Mound Dam

Mound Dam

New Mill House Rehabilitation                        POOL: A Social History of Segregation

New Mill House Rehabilitation POOL: A Social History of Segregation

William Rush Sculpture Restoration & Reconstruction

William Rush Sculpture Restoration & Reconstruction

Mussel Hatchery Lab and Classroom

Mussel Hatchery Lab and Classroom

Fairmount Water Works

For the Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center, MBTA completed the adaptive reuse and restoration of portions of the Old Mill House and the lower level of the Engine House, and assisted in the development and installation of the exhibits for the Philadelphia Water Department’s environmental museum. This educational and interpretive facility preserves original structural, architectural and archeological elements, including in-situ 19th century machinery. Interactive educational displays and a theater describe the historic and current importance of the urban watershed. MBTA is currently working with the Interpretive Center to expand into the unused spaces.  Renovating and redesigning the existing stairs will provide access to a larger portion of the expanded Interpretive Center. The expansion will provide the Center with new meeting areas, larger open offices, and more exhibition space.

◄ Recent Projects  |  Fairmount Water Works